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Welcome to The Hub




Thank you for your interest in serving at Greater Life! 


To receive more information and express your interest in serving, sign up is available by texting us at (650) 297-2427. Simply text the keyword which corresponds to the area in which you are interested.   


WELCOME TEAM                   - text the following keyword to (650) 297-2427: welcome


NURSERY (ages 2-4)             - text the following keyword to (650) 297-2427: nursery

KID'S CLASSES (ages 5-11)   - text the following keyword to (650) 297-2427: kids

TECH/ MULTIMEDIA              - text the following keyword to (650) 297-2427: media


TECH/ LIVE SOUND               - text the following keyword to (650) 297-2427: sound


SINGING                                    - text the following keyword to (650) 297-2427: sing


BAND                                        - text the following keyword to (650) 297-2427: play



  • Make sure you are only texting the keyword provided. It must be written exactly as written. If you include additional words or spaces, the system will not work. 

  • You should receive a confirmation that your information has been received. 


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